Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Kristen Laughlin & Stephen Strnisha lead online presentations at CDFA

This past week, two of CiF’s senior executives lead online presentations about the USCIS EB-5 program; offering advice and guidance to new entrants to the EB-5 marketplace. CiF Chief Marketing Officer Ms. Kristen Laughlin spoke about locating EB-5 investors and best practices when working with migration agents while CiF CEO Mr. Stephen Strnisha lead a presentation on incorporating EB-5 funds into a project’s capital stack, using the recently completed first phase of the Flats East Bank development as an example.

The online seminars were presented by the Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA), in association with IIUSA and were held over 2 days. CDFA is an organization that brings together public and development finance professionals from all across the United States and the IIUSA is the EB-5 Regional Center trade association.